I Am Fire I am fire. Xanax has no effect. Oreos and fear fill my pantry. When I enter the room oxygen submits, Like a welted slave. All around me doctors and whores try to calm. But I am alone. I wander through the desert, Searching for release, Recurring dreams of a tropical rain. Alas, Incapable of repair - I rage. “Your rules do not concern me, I am all that matters.” I retch false memories charred from charcoal and kindling. I will lie, “I know more than your Senators, your scientists, your intellectuals.” I will lie, “I am adored by soft-breasted, nubile babes.” And I will lie, “The greatest, the most, the best.” I cannot help be but what I am. I am fire! Crackling, popping, combusting. But it is you whom should be despised. You who have chosen to provide the fuel and the fury. You who cannot see me for what I am . So now I will reign, Over your ashes.