Facts About Reality Reality has a maximum speed, One hundred and eighty-six thousand miles per second. Still not fast enough for a teenage boy in lust To rely on the pull-out method. Reality has a minimum distance smart people call Planck’s constant. Nothing is continuous, not even space-time. We live in a granular world like sand on a beach. Remember that, the next time you walk into a sliding glass door. Reality is always a step behind. We are incapable of awareness of an event as it occurs. It takes one-tenth of a second to capture and process it. So how can we ever live in the present when the present is already the past? Reality occurs through relationships. If my eye receives a photon of light from a leaf on a tree, You cannot receive that same photon. How do we know we are seeing the same thing? Reality was at one time whatever your God told you it was. Or more likely, the guy that figured out speaking with God, was one hell of a job, Told you it was. Now, of course, we are much better off with our scientific thought To discover, as Carlos Rovelli titled in his book, “Reality Is Not What It Seems”. All we really know is we are all blind men describing a rainbow. Yet the old, white men in the back room of the cigar shop Sit in leather cushioned chairs pontificating and sanctioning what they know is true. They know the instant a zygote is a human. They know all of the answers to the troubles of a 90 trillion dollar world economy. They know all of the reasons an athlete takes a knee during the star spangled banner. They know the best of all worlds is the one they grew up. And yet, they don’t know - reality is not what it seems.