Take A Deep Breath of Awe It’s not that I have anything against your spiritual belief in a god. It’s your insistence to still believe in God as Santa Claus. All the shit you were taught as a kid c’mon, and let’s say fuck the artist, it is the art that matters the beauty of that which has been created. We will probably never know how or why this piece of art called Life came to be and is but let’s bathe in the wow of it all. Breathe deep and inhale as many or more molecules as there are grains of sand on the entire earth. Stretch every DNA molecule, in your 37 trillion cells, And fly 150,000 round trips to the moon. Drink the water that is magic and wet and yet made of particles of something we’ve labeled hydrogen and oxygen. Shower in the awe of our perceptions of these unseeable black magic energy to bind together to make an ocean. The insane process of genetics using connections and code of just four base pair nucleotides, on a planet among a universe with more stars than molecules we breathe. And of course, there’s still flowers and poetry and the brain. Oh yeah, the brain...