So little to say so much time to waste
-	from ramblings  
Why is it I can take an afternoon off to golf?
But I cannot find the time to pursue writing?
The great thing about books,
Is that they never lose power.
I have a hoarse throat so it’s hard to write.
Wouldn’t it be great if one could make a living writing one-line thoughts on life?
I can understand 12-letter words.
But, I communicate in mostly six-letter words or less.
Intoxication may go in,
But drink many beers is what comes out.
It really sucks,
When you fall asleep in your chair,
And the backup process does not work.
And you lose what you have written.
If people believed,
That the words I am writing,
Came from an alien or a god.
I could make a lot of money.
Words can
Inform, educate, entertain, inspire, provoke, dramatize, refocus, and awaken.
There is so much in one word.
The simple mention of the word river,
Brings up images of white water, flowing patterns of ever changing ripples, river banks, rocks, canoes, fishing bears, sparkling reflections of dancing light, spawning salmon, rides on a lazy raft, trees meditating in long rows, deep cavernous cliffs, foot bridges, bushy moustaches on a paddle wheel ship, mosquitoes, floating branches, life vests, rain drenched levees, cement dams, sun-soaked skin, odors of rotting plants, cold but refreshing layers of water on bare feet…
Fear of letting go,
Hampers my writing.
It is so much harder to write from the gut.
What could be more important than stories?
Especially if you are a storyteller.
Although I weigh much more.
I am quite like an atomic particle.
I cannot create without a relationship.
There is a time to write stories. 
And there is a time to experience, 
For the time to write stories.
I love writing while I’m writing.
Yet, I find it so difficult to pause my life to write.
Life has been too good to me,
To make it as a poet.
I am on a quest.
To write the greatest sentence
Ever written.
Got it!
Thank you.