If you’re gonna take a ride from strangers – you better enjoy talking with strangers.
The secret to hitchhiking is to stay clean cut and smile!
How far must one run to find home?
You can’t be in a hurry when you hitchhike.
You can’t see the world, From a couch in Ohio.
Traveling along the edges of life Is exciting. Because you always have the risk of falling off.
Hitchhiking on a barren road, Lowers ones expectations for the next driver.
The beauty of going to some place new is seeing it for the first time. When you see something for the first time you see more. Once you go back to where you have been, the novelty is gone.
When you travel alone, It is much easier to talk to strangers.
Why is it easier to hang out and do nothing, When you are traveling?
I’m sure someone else has already said this, But the world is a much smaller place, When you travel.